About Us

DPOCOMS was created by the Founder and CEO of The DP Advice Service Ltd to improve the efficiency and consistency of the communications between the DPO and staff within your school or Multi Academy Trust.

As a lawyer, our creator is an expert at understanding and advising on all aspects of the data protection legislation.

Having acquired years of experience supporting the education sector, we understand how busy you are. We know that you are dedicated to protecting the personal information you hold about pupils, parents and staff, and we also understand that you may not have the time, resources, and expertise to manage all aspects of data protection compliance.

We are passionate about taking the stress out of data protection compliance, allowing you the time to focus on your expertise, educating the children.

Our initial vision was to create a portal that would allow speedy and effective communication between schools/Academy Trust’s and the Data Protection Officer. We wanted all staff to have some accountability over data protection compliance without making this too onerous.

As we began to plan how that initial vision might work in practice, our vision expanded. We wanted to create a platform that would serve all of your data protection needs in one place.

Introducing DPOCOMS... All your data protection needs in one place.

DPOCOMS allows staff members to log in and report a data breach as soon as it is discovered, or a subject access request as soon as it is received. It allows any member of staff to seek advice directly from your DPO regarding any data protection matter. Your DPO can respond to the requests and the platform will keep a record of your dialogue.

DPOCOMS offers a space for all data protection resources and training materials. The software only package allows your DPO to upload any resources and training they think you should have access to. The software + and ++ packages provide you with all the resources and training you need to ensure full compliance.

You can carry out an internal compliance audit, create your own data protection action plan, monitor the compliance of the third parties you use and build your Record of Processing Activities (data flow map) using the built-in tools.

DPOCOMS – taking the stress out of data protection compliance.